Andre the Giant | Antonino Rocca | Arnold Skaaland | Baron Michael Scicluna | Big John Studd | Bill Watts | Bill Graham | Bob Orton jr. | Boby Heenan | Bobo Brazil |
Bret Hart | Buddy Rogers | Capitan Lou Albano | Chief Jay Strongbow | Curt Hennig (Mr.Perfect) | Don Murraco | Dusty Rhodes | Eddie Graham | Eddie Guerrero | Faboulus Monah |
George Steel | Gorilla Monson | Greg Valentine | Peter Maivia | Howard Finkel | Hulk Hogan | James Duddley | Jerry Lawler | Jim Ross | Jimmy Hart |
Jimmy Snuka | Junkyard Dog | Killer Kowalski | Koko B.Ware | Mae Yang | Mr.Fuji | Nikollai Wolkoff | RIc Flair | Ricky Steamboat | Rocky Johnson |
Roddy Pipper | Sgt. Slaughter | The Blackjacks | The Funks | The Iron Sheik | The Sheik | The Wild Samoans | Tito Santana | Tony Atlas | Valiant Brothers |
Verne Gagne | Vince McMahon | William Perry | Goldberg | Brock Lesnar | The Rock | Yokozuna | Mick Foley | Trish Stratus | Lita |
Molly Holy | Sable | Torrie Wilson | |||||||
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